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Licensing Board Agenda 05/28/2013
Notice is hereby that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room.


1. Application for a One Day Liquor License on August 31, 2013 at Old Town Hall. Applicant: Brandi Foods, Inc. (for the bridal party).

2. Application for a One Day Liquor License on June 29, 2013 at Hamilton Hall. Applicant: North Shore Bartending, George McCabe.

3. Application for renewal of Store Fortunetelling License, Change of Address and sub licensee. Applicant: Essence of Healing, 254 Essex Street#204 Elaine Tavis and sub licensee, Nicol Jackson.

4. Application for a new Store Fortunetelling license at 98 Wharf Street. Applicant: Christopher LeVasseur.

5. Application for a sub licensee fortunetelling license at HEX, Essex Street. Applicant: Leanne Marrama Gordon.

6. Application for various Street Performers Licenses. Applicants:
   *Lawrence Noel
   *Jonathan Feinberg
   *Kevin Landry
   *Adam Lentine
   *Nadina & William Adisho
   *Matthew Fishman
   *Shava Nerad

7. Application for Blanket Vendor & Entertainment License for Fiedlco Dog Event on June 10, 2013 at the Salem Common. Applicant: Don Armell

8. Application for a CommonVictualler’s & Entertainment License at 188 Essex Street. Applicant: Red line Café, Inc. d/b/a red Line Café.

9. Application for a Common Victualler’s License at 125 Canal Street. Applicant: De le Zhang d/b/a Mei Lee Express.

10. Application for a Common Victualler’s & Entertainment License at 60 Washington Street. Applicant: TAPD Restaurant Group d/b/a Salem Screamery.

11. Application for a Seasonal Wine & Malt License, common Victualler’s License and an Entertainment License and a Pledge of License to James Parkiodis at 2 East India Square Mall. Applicant: EIT Foods, Inc. d/b/a Essex’s N.Y. Deli & Pizza.

12. Application for an Alteration of Premise at 43 Church Street. Applicant: Salem Restaurant Corporation d/b/a The Lyceum.

13. Application for a Transfer of an All Alcohol License and Entertainment License from Salem Restaurant Corporation to Turner Seafood-Salem, Inc. d/b/a Turner’s Seafood, 43 Church Street and Pledge of License to Salem Five Cents Savings Bank.

14. Old/New Business

15. Approval of meeting minutes from May 13, 2013 meeting.

16. Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Know your rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 and through 2-2033.